Posted by on the 7th of October, 2023 at 11:02 am under 컴퓨터.  Post is not tagged.  This post has no comments.

Recently, I found that Nginx Proxy Manager docker is not working properly after reboot my Synology NAS. But it works properly just restart the container again.

I found this log when it had the problem.

❯ Configuring npm user …
s6-rc: fatal: timed out
s6-sudoc: fatal: unable to get exit status from server: Operation timed out
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: warning: s6-rc failed to properly bring all the services up! Check your logs (in /run/uncaught-logs/current if you have in-container logging) for more information.
usermod: no changes

It said “timed out”. It seems that it doesn’t get enough processing time because I have 16 containers that start at boot. I added this environment varaible, and now it works properly after reboot.




혹시 Docker로 Nginx Proxy Manager 쓰는데 재부팅하면 동작을 안하고 container를 재시작 해야 한다면, 위 환경변수를 추가했을 때 해결될수도 있다.